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Pablo Wunderlich - Game Audio

I'm Pablo Wunderlich, a game audio aficionado running on thick coffee. I love all aspects of game audio--from the sound design, to the music, all the way to its implementation. If you're looking for a one-stop shop to take care of your game audio look no further. I can implement sounds with C# scripts, Wwise, or FMOD. 

Sound Design and Music
Encounter with a forest spirit - VO design
Rain to Rainbow transition
Pablo Wunderlich - Enenra
Defeat Browler!
The Hero Comes!
Epic Mushroom Princess
The Demon Awakens
Die demon! Die!
Unity Audio Implementation
FMOD Interactive Music
Wwise Sound Design Demo Reel
Weapons sound design
Demo Reel

My name is Pablo Wunderlich and I'm a composer and sound designer for media and video games. I'm all about team work and I thrive in a team building setting to continuously push my boundaries through constructive criticism. I am skilled in foley recording, processing the audio in a DAW, and then implementing the sounds into audio middleware or directly into the game engine. I'm a junior C# programmer and seek to further my skills with scripting to further enhance audio implementation for optimal player experiences. 

Pablo Wunderlich
Composer/Sound Designer for media and games