A product of the New Wave and Electronic revolution of the late 1970s and early 1980s, Mark took his passion for musical anthems to Music College in 1983. There he gained his fascination with classical music and learned the craft of intertwining orchestral instruments with synthesisers, samplers, and guitars. Rather than leaving College wishing to be a "rock star" he resolved to become a Film and TV Composer instead.
Since that time he has worked in the Industry as a recording engineer, a music producer, and a session player. He has spent many years honing his skills resulting in an invitation to join Hans Zimmer's illustrious Bleeding Fingers collective as a freelance writer.
Hundreds of production music cues, and a diversity of short film scores later, Mark's particular ear for emotion and the ability to weave a musical story into a screenplay has become his strength. He can score in a number of styles from fully orchestral to electronica and can transform your screenplay from fright-making to terrifying, and upsetting to heart-breaking.